Monday, March 12, 2007
95% of Retirees Retire Into Poverty!
I recently saw a Wall St advertisement quoting a startling Government statistic: Of the 77 million babe baby boomers planning to retire in the adjacent 10 to 15 years, 95% are hurtling toward unexpected financial difficulties.
Those Difficulties are that they will be not able to back up themselves without continuing to work for the remainder of their lives!
Can you imagine, after a lifetime of hard work, struggle, hardships, maybe even tragedy, youre about to stop your life in poverty, disease and desire unless you work till you drop?
Is that all there is? Or make you desire to be in the fortunate 5% World Health Organization can retire without money worries?
What makes the Wall St advertisement suggest you make about this? Buy their small Retirement Newsletter!
1. Techniques for economy for retirement without changing your lifestyle today
2. How to construct the best portfolio for long-term income
3. How to make certain you don't outlive your income
4. Advantageous common funds, REITs and variable rentes
5. Estate-planning strategies
Lets take a expression at their newsletters suggestions:
1. Economy for retirement without changing your lifestyle today? What Bull! It is your current lifestyle that got you into this mess!
2. A portfolio for long term income? Baby, you need more than income, right now. In the long-term, your butt end will be dead!
3. Dont outlive your income? What income? They just said that 95% of you will not have got adequate income to back up yourself.
4. Advantageous Common Fund, REITs and variable annuities? All merchandises Wall St do committees on! Ask them what difference they will do in your retirement monetary fund in lone 10 years.
5. Estate planning strategies? What estate? Arent we talking about the 95% of babe baby boomers who will not be able to discontinue work?
No, male children and girls, I dont believe their attack is going to work out your problems!
I retrieve a quote, person said that if you maintain doing the same things and getting the same suffering results, you need to make something different.
You absolutely MUST change what you are doing, your trajectory, if you dont desire to stop up like everybody else. Here is what you must make right now.
First, figure out what you will need to dwell on, state 80% of your present take-home pay.
Check with your Person Resources Dept. for a projection of what your pension will be, if any. Check with Sociable Security to see what your proposed retirement benefits will be.
Then add in any nest egg or investings you have got including the equity in your house and how much income that would bring forth if invested at 10%.
Ten percent? Unrealistic? To some. Those who make not cognize about the tax returns available from private mortgages, tax liens and other safe, sophisticated existent estate investments.
Add up all of your proposed incomes and compare with the 80% of present return home figure.
Your problem is now identified and quantified. You have got a goal. If it is terrible as I believe it will be, you will have got to prosecute aggressive investing strategies such as as existent estate to catch up. You might even have got to change your lifestyle.
Otherwise, you will stop up disbursement your Golden Old Age working at the Golden Arches. How awkward to have got one of the vicinity children acknowledge you. Hey, aint that Tommys Grandpa? And then to throw ketchup-doused, Tater Tots at you!